Spa Scrubber works with deep cleaning technology that works at 24,000 Hz per second of ultrasonic waves that effectively unclogs clogged pores and helps to remove dead skin cells.

Firms and lifts skin – microcurrent pulse technology and intermittent ultrasound help increase cell collagen regeneration and activate cell vitality and ensure your skin.

Advanced ion technology – the positive ion helps remove dirt and deeply cleans the skin. It accelerates the speed of metabolism in skin cells, softens old keratin.

Restores the elasticity of the skin and helps keep the skin feeling tight and smooth. The leading function of negative ion nutrition helps break down and refine such larger molecules

As collagen for massaging and supporting your skin to absorb nutrients easily.


Spa Scubber: 1.497$


Wavelength 465 ± 3nm: reduce inflammation, kill the bacteria that are formed as a result of oily skin and Propionibacterium acne, the device helps to remove post-acne scars.


Apply pure vitamin C soap, keeping the skin moist at all times.

Turn on the device. Choose the first “continuous wave deep cleaning mode” or the third “high-level deep cleaning mode”, in upward movements began to remove the dirt from the face and the stratum corneum (the layer of dead cells).

Lift nutrition and sonophoresis – how to use?

Apply the serum from the ELIXIR series containing active ingredients on the face. Hold the device so that the blade is directly on the skin.

Turn on the device and select NUTRITION the fourth mode.

Using gentle pressure, slide the blade across the skin using a backward motion. For best results, work slowly moving the blade at all times.

3-5 minutes are enough for each treatment. Use for 3-5 times a week.

Apply to the neck area, with gentle pressure, slide the blade across the skin using a backward motion while working from the center of the face outwards.

Continue upwards from the jawline to the hairline, sweep over the face until all the product is absorbed.

Spa Scubber: 1.497$

Lift nutrition and sonophoresis – how to use?

   1.Apply the serum from the ELIXIR series containing active ingredients on the face. Hold the device so that the blade is directly on the skin.

   2.Turn on the device and select NUTRITION the fourth mode.

   3.Using gentle pressure, slide the blade across the skin using a backward motion. For best results, work slowly moving the blade at all times.

   4.3-5 minutes are enough for each treatment. Use for 3-5 times a week.

Apply to the neck area, with gentle pressure, slide the blade across the skin using a backward motion while working from the center of the face outwards.

Continue upwards from the jawline to the hairline, sweep over the face until all the product is absorbed.

Benefits of using a TODDA spa scrubber.

1.Deep cleaning and opening the pores for better absorption of active ingredients.

2.Removing stubborn make-up residues.

3.The removal of the stratum corneum is the layer of dead cells.

4.Improving the texture of the skin texture.

5.Insertion of active components in the NUTRITION program.

6.Opening the channels to improve the moisture in the facial skin.

7.Balance the PH level by the blue light.

8.Fight against free radical bacteria as a result of working with the healing light.

9.Work on firming the facial skin as a result of working on vibration at a level of 24000 MHz.

10.Restoring the flexibility and elasticity of the skin as a result of a combined action.

11.Eliminating “black” comedones and preventing the accumulation of   blackheads later.  

12.Elimination of acne and post-acne scars.

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