Botox treatments in England, the USA and also here in Israel. Botox injection treatment, which used to be the property of women only, has become in recent years a treatment that many Botox treatment eliminating wrinkles is Botox treatment!
“The wrinkles filled my whole face, right, I’m told they’re laugh lines… but I’d be happy for them not to be so prominent…” A sentence like this is becoming more and more common and tells about the desire of many people to blur or make expression lines disappear on their faces.
Botox is the most well-known and useful substance for eliminating expression lines in the facial area. It is a toxin produced naturally by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum and its action partially paralyzes for a limited time the muscle into which it is injected. The use of Botox began in the late eighties, when it was used for medical purposes, while today Botox is mainly used in the field of medical aesthetics in the treatment of wrinkle removal.